20 Fun Indoor Games and Activities for Kids (2024)

One universal truth about raising kids is that at some point you will hear a chorus of "I'm bored!" from your adorable little ones. But don't worry: With a little planning, you can have a bunch of fun games and activities on hand.

If you're stuck at home with an icky bug or can't go outside because of the weather, there is always something fun to do inside, and the best part is that it won't cost you much time or money. 5We've rounded up 20 games and activities that you and your kids will love to play again and again.

Marshmallow Tinkertoys

A bag of marshmallows and some thin pretzel sticks are all you need to build anything from the perfect puffy pal to a 3D house. Your child's imagination can take off. For a bit of a challenge try creating shapes like a ball or a tower. You can see if your structure is strong enough to hold a small toy. The best part? You can eat your creation when you're done!

Family-Photo Bingo

Improve your child's memory and help them learn who's who in your family tree with this photo game. Take nine individual photos of family members and arrange them into rows of three, then give your child nine playing cards or checkers pieces to serve as bingo chips. When someone calls out the name of a relative, your toddler covers the photo with the card. Whoever gets three in a row wins.

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Sugar-Cookie Pizzas

Even the most domestically challenged chef can pull off this sweet and simple project. Slice several thick cookies from a roll of refrigerated sugar cookie dough. Gently flatten them on a cookie sheet to widen them, then bake, and cool for about 10 minutes. Next, your little bakers can decorate their pies with strawberry jam or red icing for sauce, shredded coconut for cheese, and red M&M's for pepperoni.

Mailbox Greetings

Haul out the craft supplies and set up a home Hallmark business. First, your toddler creates the card with stickers, glitter, cut-out magazine photos, or whatever else they like. Then ask them what they want to say to the recipient, and help them write it inside. Grab an envelope and a stamp and get the card ready to send in the mail.

Signature Storytelling

This is a great trick to give new life to old stories. Start reading one of your child's favorite books. When you get to a critical point in the action, challenge your child to take charge of the tale and add their own twist. For example, if you're reading "Cinderella" and the mean stepsisters have torn up her dress, ask your child, ″What would you do if someone did that to you? Should Cinderella just run away and cry, or should she do something else?″ It teaches kids to think on their toes.

DIY Sensory Table

Remember the slimy excitement of sifting your hands through a bucket of spooky eyeballs (peeled grapes) at the local haunted house? This activity offers the same thrills without the nightmares.

Fill a series of bowls or washing basins full of textured objects such as peeled grapes, pre-cooked spaghetti, steel-wool pads, cornstarch, dry beans, etc. Blindfold your child, have them sift their hands through the mystery items, and describe their feelings. Then challenge your kiddo to guess the object.

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You won't need to rent funky-smelling shoes to play this game. Grab six empty plastic water bottles, a liter size is the best. Set them up in a triangular shape then, a few paces away, place a piece of tape or use chalk to draw a line on the floor to mark where to stand to bowl. Using a tennis ball (or some other small ball), have your child launch their ball and see how many pins they can knock down. For an added challenge, try adding a little water to the bottles to give them some weight.

Disco Down

Disco will never get old, especially when you have kids! Grab a bunch of flashlights, and put on some dancing music—we suggest the Bee Gees and Abba, of course. Start moving and grooving to the beat, and let the flashing lights create a funky disco ball effect. Try Googling old-school dance moves like the Hustle, the YMCA, the Funky Chicken, and the Robot.

Barbie Beach Party

Grab a collection of bikini-clad Barbies, beach towels (washcloths), sunscreen (baby lotion), and perhaps a yacht or two (some Tupperware), and head for some fun in the tub. Hint: Most Barbies dig the diving board (faucet). Sunglasses and a tropical beverage (iced juice in a sippy cup) make the experience tantamount to a holiday in St. Tropez.

Mini Car Wash

Gather up your child's fleet of cars, trucks, and spaceships for a detailing job that'll put your local garage to shame. Load them all into the tub and give them a cleaning with plant sprayers and empty squeeze bottles.

Pirate Play

With this super simple and fun afternoon activity, your little pirate will love hunting for treasure. Take a pile of small toys and wrap them individually with tin foil then hide them around your house. Give your child a flashlight and a paper bag and have them search for the buries silver. Want to extend the playtime? Have your child create a treasure map with stickers and crayons.

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Masking-Tape Marvels

Who would have thought a humble roll of masking tape could provide so much fun? Make a hopscotch pattern or mock balance beam on the living room floor. Or have your child color pieces of tape with markers and use them to "design" their own T-shirt. Another fun idea is the invisible dollhouse. Lay out a "floor plan" on the rug with the tape, and furnish the house with doll furniture and small toys.

Indoor Picnic

Change things up by serving lunch outside of the kitchen. First, grab your basket (you don't need a real picnic basket—a laundry basket will do) and assemble some picnicky foods that the kids can pack themselves such as juice boxes, water bottles, packets of raisins, string cheese, paper plates, napkins. While the kids are busy filling the basket, spread a blanket in the family room and put together some sandwiches. Then unpack your picnic and watch the lunch disappear.

Movie Time

At some point, even the most creative parent will have to resort to some good old TV time. Keep a hidden stash of DVDs you only pull out during cruddy weather, so rainy-day television is truly a treat. Add an extra layer of fun making movie-themed snacks and then piling up together on the couch.

Build It Together

Trying building something together out of wood. Many building supply chain stores (think Lowes and Home Depot) sell kid's building kits like wooden birdhouses and race cars. You can even grab small packs of balsa wood and a hot glue gun and store them away for a rainy day. Then, when the opportunity strikes, pull out your project and get building.

Slow-Motion Tag

OK, so running in the house probably isn't the wisest suggestion. But if you need to get some wiggles out, this game is a great way to get everyone moving without the risk of bonking into furniture and getting hurt. Play a classic game of tag but with a twist: Everyone has to move super slow. To make it even more fun, give your kids a little tickle when you tag them.

Family Cozy Time

Sometimes the best activity is the one that doesn't require anything at all. Grab your favorite pillows, blankets, and stuffies, and create a cozy nest on the couch or in bed. Add a pile of books, and you've got the ingredients for some cozy family time.

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Mailing Hugs

Grab a giant piece of newsprint or roll of craft paper—the blank side of old wrapping paper works perfectly too. Lay it flat on the floor and have your child lie on top of it with their arms out. Take a marker, trace their head, shoulders, arms, and torso, and then let your child color in their shape.

Once you're finished, you will have a colorful hug! Gently fold or roll your child's hug, place it in a mailing tube or envelope, and send it off in the mail to someone special.

Shadow Puppets

Kids are natural storytellers, which makes shadow puppets the perfect game to play when you're stuck inside. Grab a flashlight, point it at a wall or door, and have your child make silly shapes with their hands to create shadowy creatures. If your kids are feeling crafty, cut shapes like animals, cars, people, or buildings, out of paper or cardboard then tape them to a chopstick or pencil. Now you have props!

Pillow Fort

You can never go wrong by turning your couch into a massive pillow fort. Grab some cushions, pillows, and a sheet, and have your child be the architect and create different styles of forts. To make it more fun, add flashlights, stuffed animals, and some books to turn the fort into a cozy nook.

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

Based on this article, here is information related to the concepts mentioned:

Marshmallow Tinkertoys

  • This activity involves using marshmallows and thin pretzel sticks to build various structures, such as a puffy pal or a 3D house.
  • It encourages creativity and imagination in children.
  • The structures can be tested for strength by seeing if they can hold a small toy.
  • One of the highlights of this activity is that the creations can be eaten afterward.

Family-Photo Bingo

  • Family-Photo Bingo is a game that helps improve a child's memory and helps them learn about their family members.
  • Nine individual photos of family members are arranged into rows of three.
  • The child is given nine playing cards or checkers pieces to serve as bingo chips.
  • When someone calls out the name of a relative, the child covers the corresponding photo with a card.
  • The objective is to get three in a row to win the game.

Sugar-Cookie Pizzas

  • Sugar-Cookie Pizzas are a sweet and simple project that even the most domestically challenged chef can pull off.
  • Thick cookies are sliced from a roll of refrigerated sugar cookie dough and gently flattened on a cookie sheet.
  • After baking and cooling, the cookies can be decorated with strawberry jam or red icing for sauce, shredded coconut for cheese, and red M&M's for pepperoni.

Mailbox Greetings

  • Mailbox Greetings is a craft activity that involves creating cards for someone special.
  • The child can use stickers, glitter, cut-out magazine photos, or other craft supplies to decorate the card.
  • They can also write a personalized message inside the card.
  • The card can be placed in an envelope, stamped, and sent in the mail.

Signature Storytelling

  • Signature Storytelling is a creative activity that involves adding a twist to familiar stories.
  • While reading a favorite book, the child is challenged to take charge of the tale and add their own twist at critical points in the story.
  • This activity encourages children to think creatively and develop their storytelling skills.

DIY Sensory Table

  • The DIY Sensory Table activity provides a sensory experience for children.
  • Various textured objects, such as peeled grapes, pre-cooked spaghetti, steel-wool pads, cornstarch, and dry beans, are placed in bowls or washing basins.
  • The child is blindfolded and asked to sift their hands through the mystery items, describing their feelings.
  • The child can then guess the object they are feeling.


  • Bowl-a-Rama is an indoor bowling game that can be played with six empty plastic water bottles.
  • The bottles are set up in a triangular shape, and a line is marked on the floor to indicate where to stand to bowl.
  • The child uses a small ball, such as a tennis ball, to knock down the pins.
  • For an added challenge, water can be added to the bottles to give them some weight.

Disco Down

  • Disco Down is a fun activity that involves dancing to disco music with flashing lights.
  • Flashlights can be used to create a funky disco ball effect.
  • Old-school dance moves like the Hustle, the YMCA, the Funky Chicken, and the Robot can be tried.

Barbie Beach Party

  • Barbie Beach Party is a pretend play activity that involves using Barbie dolls, beach towels, sunscreen, and other accessories.
  • The dolls can have a beach party in the tub, with the diving board being a popular choice.
  • Sunglasses and a tropical beverage can add to the pretend play experience.

Mini Car Wash

  • Mini Car Wash is an activity that involves cleaning toy cars, trucks, and spaceships.
  • The child can use plant sprayers and empty squeeze bottles to give their toy vehicles a detailing job.

Pirate Play

  • Pirate Play is an imaginative activity where children can go on a treasure hunt.
  • Small toys are individually wrapped in tin foil and hidden around the house.
  • The child can use a flashlight and a paper bag to search for the buried treasure.
  • To extend the playtime, the child can create a treasure map with stickers and crayons.

Masking-Tape Marvels

  • Masking-Tape Marvels is a versatile activity that involves using masking tape for various creative purposes.
  • The tape can be used to create a hopscotch pattern or a mock balance beam on the floor.
  • Children can color pieces of tape with markers and use them to design their own T-shirts.
  • Another idea is to create an invisible dollhouse by laying out a "floor plan" on the rug with tape and furnishing it with doll furniture and small toys.

Indoor Picnic

  • Indoor Picnic is a fun way to change the dining experience by having a picnic inside the house.
  • A basket can be filled with picnic-style foods that the kids can pack themselves, such as juice boxes, water bottles, raisin packets, string cheese, and paper plates.
  • A blanket can be spread in the family room, and sandwiches can be prepared for the picnic.

Movie Time

  • Movie Time is a relaxing activity that involves watching movies together as a family.
  • It can be a treat during cruddy weather when outdoor activities are limited.
  • Having a hidden stash of DVDs specifically for rainy days can make it even more special.
  • Movie-themed snacks can be prepared to enhance the movie-watching experience.

Build It Together

  • Build It Together is an activity that involves building something out of wood.
  • Kid's building kits, such as wooden birdhouses and race cars, can be purchased from building supply chain stores.
  • Small packs of balsa wood and a hot glue gun can also be used for building projects.

Slow-Motion Tag

  • Slow-Motion Tag is a modified version of the classic game of tag.
  • Instead of running, everyone has to move in slow motion to avoid the risk of accidents.
  • Adding a tickle when tagging can make the game more fun for the kids.

Family Cozy Time

  • Family Cozy Time is an activity that promotes quality time and relaxation.
  • It involves creating a cozy nest on the couch or in bed using pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals.
  • Books can be added to the cozy space for reading together as a family.

Mailing Hugs

  • Mailing Hugs is a craft activity that involves creating a colorful hug for someone special.
  • A giant piece of newsprint or craft paper is used to trace the child's head, shoulders, arms, and torso.
  • The child can then color in their shape.
  • The colorful hug can be folded or rolled, placed in a mailing tube or envelope, and sent to someone special.

Shadow Puppets

  • Shadow Puppets is a game that allows children to create shadowy creatures using their hands and a flashlight.
  • Silhouette shapes can be cut out of paper or cardboard and attached to a chopstick or pencil to create props.

Pillow Fort

  • Pillow Fort is a classic indoor activity that involves building forts using cushions, pillows, and sheets.
  • Children can be the architects and create different styles of forts.
  • Flashlights, stuffed animals, and books can be added to make the fort a cozy nook.
20 Fun Indoor Games and Activities for Kids (2024)


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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

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Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.