Baldur's Gate 3 Multiclass Guide (+List of Class Abilities and Features) (2024)

How to Multiclass in Baldur’s Gate 3

Welcome to our Baldur’s Gate 3 multiclassing guide where we’ll cover its fundamentals, abilities that each class grants, and more.

I have been playing D&D’s 5th Edition for years and it stunned me that some of my friends did not even know what multiclassing was. As an enthusiastic multiclassing extraordinaire I figured that everyone knew what it was, but upon closer inspection multiclassing is an optional rule of 5E.

When I saw the announcement from Larian Studios stating that Baldur’s Gate 3 will incorporate multiclassing I immediately ran to tell all my friends the good news. It’s something that I have always been enthusiastic about as it opens a lot of opportunities for players to better express themselves within their world.

Let’s dive in!

If you’re looking for the best classes to build upon, check out our BG3 class tier list. For our multiclass build rankings, check out our list of the best BG3 multiclasses.

Click below to jump to a topic!

  • What is Multiclassing?
  • How Multiclassing Works in Baldur’s Gate 3
  • List of BG3 Class Abilities and Features You Get From Multiclassing
    • Barbarian
    • Bard
    • Cleric
    • Druid
    • Fighter
    • Monk
    • Paladin
    • Ranger
    • Rogue
    • Sorcerer
    • Warlock
    • Wizard
  • Popular Multiclass Combinations
  • Quick Tips and Tricks

What is Multiclassing?

Multiclassing is the combination of two or more classes. When combined you gain access to class-specific abilities and perks, which allows you more freedom to express your character.

For example, if a player wanted to play an up-close battlemage, they are not restricted to picking a class such as the Eldritch Knight Fighter. Instead, they could combine any combination of Wizard and Fighter that they see fit! This allows the player to gain the overwhelming advantages of these classes, making them an unstoppable force!

Baldur's Gate 3 Multiclass Guide (+List of Class Abilities and Features) (1)

Now that you have a rough idea of what multiclassing is, let me express a wonderful feature that Larian Studios included in the game. That feature is respeccing! A player will be able to respec their character in Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3). This enables players to experiment with a variety of builds without the fear of putting themselves in a position where they need to restart their play through because of a poorly built build.

This is especially important for players experimenting with multiclass options. Not all classes work well with one another, and this can lead to increased difficulty, at least without proper planning. If you run into a problem, you can fix it via respeccing!

Multiclassing in general can lead to many amazing opportunities for all aspects of the game, but it can be difficult to pull off. Because of this, multiclassing is only suggested for experienced players, but if you are a newbie, and want to dip your toes into the water, fear not! I have you covered.

How Multiclassing Works in Baldur’s Gate 3

This section can be wrapped up in short order by saying, “when a character levels up they can either choose to put their new level into the class that they are in or select a new class to go into.” …but I will explain in detail.

Before going into detail this information is based on D&D 5E, as multiclassing was not available during early access, with some known exceptions. One of these exceptions is the removal of minimum stat requirements.

In 5E a player needed to have a minimum of 13 ability score in the new class’s main stat. This requirement is not in BG3, giving you much more flexibility.

Character Level vs Class Level

There is also a character level alongside a class level. A class level is how many points a player has invested into a class while a character level is how many total points a player has invested.

For example, if the player has three levels invested into Wizard and another two levels invested in Fighter, they will be character level five and class level three in Wizard and class level two in Fighter.

This is an important distinction because players will need to reach certain character or class levels to achieve different aspects of the game. Currently, the max BG3 level is character level twelve.

Alright! Now that we got that out of the way let’s get to the important stuff.

The Benefits of Multiclassing

Upon leveling, a player can continue in their current class or select a new class. If a player continues in their current class, they will gain the additional perks of said class. Often, this means that they will gain access to higher-level spells/class features/or unique advantages of the class.

For example, when a Hunter (any subclass) reaches level five, they will gain an additional attack.

Baldur's Gate 3 Multiclass Guide (+List of Class Abilities and Features) (2)

Now, if a player decides to multiclass, they will gain the advantages of each class that they go into.

For example, a level three Wizard can take two levels in Fighter to gain their class ability, Action Surge. This class ability will allow a player to gain an additional attack action upon activation.

This means that the multiclass of Wizard + Fighter will have the benefits of being able to cast spells as a Wizard, the class ability of Fighter in Action Surge, the proficiencies of both Wizard and Fighter, the dialogue options of both Wizard and Fighter, and even more benefits!

Doing this will allow the player to have all the advantages of being a Wizard and a Fighter.

Make sure to plan!

This is a good time to point out that multiclassing requires some forethought and why it is suggested for experienced players. When multiclassing, a player should have an idea about what they are after.

Randomly leveling up and multiclassing into whatever a player feels like at the moment is a good way to increase the difficulty of the game. Only level up a class to reach certain perks of the class.

Also, consider a character’s ability scores. If your character has a low INT and you class into being a Wizard, then you will hit less often and for less damage. It is suggested that you multiclass with classes that overlap in at least one of your main stats, like Monk + Rogue (DEX) and so on.

Note: This is only tested knowledge (reported by u/Yosharian) and may be a current bug as it is unconfirmed but, as of release, a player that multiclasses a full caster and a half caster will add half of the half casters levels, rounded UP, when determining a players spell slot progression.

In D&D 5e this determination was based on half of the half casters level rounded DOWN. This slight change enables players to dip more easily into classes, such as the Ranger, as it will not take away from their spell slot progression.

There are some exceptions to multiclassing:

  • A player will not gain multiple instances of the extra attack upon reaching class level five, even if they multiclass into two different classes with this perk.
  • A player will not gain additional Channel Divinity uses.
  • Unarmored Defense does not stack.
  • Your capacity for spellcasting will be lower.

List of BG3 Class Abilities and Features You Get From Multiclassing

Wondering what each Baldur’s Gate 3 class gives you at each level when multiclassing? Here’s a list for easy reference.

Note that we went up to level 5 but will be updating these over time (after all our experts need time to play beyond Early access!

In this section please note:

  • (Early Access) = Subclasses that weren’t available during early access – we’ll populate these soon after release.


Baldur's Gate 3 Multiclass Guide (+List of Class Abilities and Features) (3)

  • Primary Stat- Strength.
    • Level 1: Gains access to Rage.
      • Rage gives 2 extra damage on melee and thrown attacks. Can’t concentrate.
  • Level 2: Gains access to Reckless Attack.
    • Reckless Attack gives you an advantage on attack rolls and gives the enemy an advantage on their attack rolls.
  • Level 3: Gain an additional Rage charge plus Subclass choice.
  • Level 4: Gain an additional feat or ability points.
  • Level 5: Gain an extra attack and Fast Movement.
    • Fast Movement increases movement speed while not wearing heavy armor.
  • Level 6: Gain an additional Rage charge.
  • Level 7: Gain Feral Instinct.
    • Feral Instinct gives you a bonus to initiative and makes you unable to be surprised.
  • Level 8: Gain an additional feat or ability points.
  • Level 9: Gain the ability Brutal Critical.
    • Brutal Critical adds additional damage to your critical hits.
  • Level 10: Gain a subclass feature.
  • Level 11: Gain an additional Rage charge and gain Relentless Rage.
    • Relentless Rage brings you to one life instead of being downed while raging a single time.
  • Level 12: Gain an additional feat or ability points.
  • Subclasses
    • Berserker
      • Gains Frenzy
        • Is an upgraded Rage perk that gives you access to the abilities below as a bonus action.
      • Gains Frenzied Strike
        • Allows the user to make an additional melee attack.
      • Gains Enraged Throw
        • Allows the user to pick up and throw an item or creature that will deal damage based on your STR and weight of the item or creature.
    • Wildheart
      • Gains Bestial Heart
        • Gives the user five different animal hearts to choose between.
          • Bear Heart
            • Damage resistance.
          • Eagle Heart
            • Dash is a bonus action.
          • Elk Heart
            • Increased move speed.
          • Tiger Heart
            • Jump distance increased.
          • Wolf Heart
            • Close allies have the advantage with melee attack rolls.
        • Gains Speak with Animals
        • Can communicate with animals.
  • Wild Magic
    • Gain Rage: Wild Magic and Magic Awareness.
      • Rage: Wild Magic will cause a random magical effect to happen when entering rage.
      • Magic Awareness will enable anyone in range to add their proficiency bonus to their saving throws against spells.


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  • Primary Stat – Charisma
  • Level 1: Gain Bardic Inspiration, two Cantrips, and four Spells.
    • Bardic Inspiration increases an allies next attack/ability check/or saving throw.
  • Level 2: Gain Jack of All Trades and Song of Rest.
    • Jack of All Trades increases your chances of succeeding ability checks.
    • Song of Rest is an additional short rest.
  • Level 3: Gain level two spells, higher proficiency, and subclass.
  • Level 4: Gain an additional feat or ability points.
  • Level 5: Gain level three spells, Font of Inspiration, Improved Bardic Inspiration
    • Font of Inspiration restores all Bardic Inspiration after short and long rests.
  • Level 6: Gain access to Countercharm.
    • Countercharm gives you and your allies advantage against being charmed or frightened as an action.
  • Level 7: Gain a possible subclass feature.
  • Level 8: Gain an additional feat or ability points.
  • Level 9: Gain a possible subclass feature.
  • Level 10: Gain Improved Bardic Inspiration, two spells, and Expertise in two skills.
    • Improved Bardic Inspiration increases your die to a 1d8.
  • Level 11: Gain a possible subclass feature.
  • Level 12: Gain an additional feat or ability points.
  • Subclasses
    • Lore
      • Gain more proficiencies and Cutting Words.
        • Cutting Words is an action that reduces a creature’s attack rolls, ability checks, and damage done until your next turn.
    • Valor
      • Gain armor and weapon proficiencies and Combat Inspiration.
        • Combat Inspiration is Bardic Inspiration with the added benefit of your ally being able to increase their damage or AC for one attack.
    • Swords
      • Gain weapon abilities and a Fighting Style.
        • Fighting Style choices are either Dueling or Two-Weapon fighting.
        • The weapon abilities have both melee and ranged options for: Mobile Flourish, Slashing Flourish, and Defensive Flourish, which all give you unique effects.


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  • Primary Stat – Wisdom
  • Level 1: Gain three cantrips, three spells, and subclass.
  • Level 2: Gain Channel Divinity Charges and subclass features.
    • Channel Divinity Charges gives you two effects. Turn Undead and an effect from your chosen domain.
      • Turn Undead makes undead creatures flee from you.
  • Level 3: Gain level two spells and subclass features.
  • Level 4: Gain an additional feat or ability points plus one cantrip.
  • Level 5: Gain level three spells and Destroy Undead.
    • Destroy Undead deals damage to undead creatures that you turn.
  • Level 6: Gain an additional Channel Divinity charge.
  • Level 7: Gain a possible subclass feature.
  • Level 8: Gain an additional feat or ability points.
  • Level 9: Gain a possible subclass feature.
  • Level 10: Gain Divine Intervention.
    • Divine Intervention is a one-time ability that does one of the following: Makes a legendary weapon, deals massive damage, or gives you potions and camp supplies.
  • Level 11: Gain a possible subclass feature.
  • Level 12: Gain an additional feat or ability points.
  • Subclasses
    • Life
      • Gain Heavy Armour Proficiency, Disciple of Life, Domain Spells.
      • Disciple of Life gives additional power to your healing spells.
    • Light
      • Gain Warding Flare and Domain Spells.
      • Warding Flare uses your reaction to give disadvantage to the attacker.
    • Trickery
      • Gain Blessing of the Trickster and Domain Spells.
      • The Blessing of the Trickster allows you to give another creature an advantage on stealth checks.
    • Nature
      • Gain one Druid cantrip, Domain Spells, and Acolyte of Nature.
        • Acolyte of Nature allows you to learn a Druid cantrip and gives you proficiency in your choice of Animal Handling, Nature, or Survival.
    • Tempest
      • Gain Domain Spells and Wrath of the Storm.
        • Wrath of the Storm allows you to strike back at an attacking creature.
    • Knowledge
      • Gain Domain Spells and Knowledge of the Ages at level two.
        • Knowledge of the Ages is an action that allows you to gain proficiency is all skills of a chosen ability until you long rest.
    • War
      • Gain Domain Spells and War Priest.
        • War Priest allows you to make a bonus attack after attacking with an unarmed or weapon attack.


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  • Primary Stat – Wisdom
  • Level 1: Gain two cantrips and four spells.
  • Level 2: Gain Wild Shape and subclass.
    • Wild Shape allows you to transform into an animal.
  • Level 3: Gain level two spells.
  • Level 4: Gain an additional feat or ability points.
  • Level 5: Gain level three spells.
  • Level 6: Gain Wild shape options.
  • Level 7: Gain a possible subclass feature.
  • Level 8: Gain an additional feat or ability points.
  • Level 9: Gain a possible subclass feature.
  • Level 10: Gain a Wild Shape option and Improved Wild Strike.
    • Improved Wild Strike gives you two additional attacks when Wild Shaped.
  • Level 11: Gain a possible subclass feature.
  • Level 12: Gain an additional feat or ability points.
  • Subclasses
    • Land
      • Gain proficiencies, Wild Shape Action, and Natural Recovery.
      • Wild Shape Action depends on the chosen animal.
      • Natural Recovery allows you to replenish extended spell slots.
    • Moon
      • Gain proficiencies, Combat Wild Shape, Lunar Mend, and Wild Shape: Bear.
      • Combat Wild Shape allows you to transform into a beast as a bonus action.
      • Lunar Mend allows you to exchange your spell slots to heal while changed into a beast.
    • Spores
      • Gain Wild Shape Action, Halo of Spores, and Symbiotic Entity.
        • Wild Shape Action depends on the chosen animal.
        • Halo of Spores deals damage to a target as a reaction.
        • Symbiotic Entity gives you temporary HP and while you have this temporary HP you deal additional damage and Halo of Spores deals double damage.


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  • Primary Stat – Strength
  • Level 1: Gain Second Wind a Fighter class passive.
    • Second Wind allows you to recover some health as a bonus action once per short or long rests.
  • Level 2: Gain Action Surge.
    • Action Surge gives you an additional action per short or long rest.
  • Level 3: Gain your subclass.
  • Level 4: Gain an additional feat or ability points.
  • Level 5: Gain an additional attack.
  • Level 6: Gain an additional feat or ability points.
  • Level 7: Gain a possible subclass feature.
  • Level 8: Gain an additional feat or ability points.
  • Level 9: Gain Indomitable.
    • Indomitable will give you the chance to reroll a failed saving throw.
  • Level 10: Gain another Fighting Style.
  • Level 11: Gain Improved Extra Attack.
    • Improved Extra Attack allows you to attack two additional times.
  • Level 12: Gain an additional feat or ability points.
  • Subclasses
    • Battle Master
      • Gain a fighting style and Superiority Dice.
      • Spend Superiority Dice to enable your fighting style. Replenish from resting.
    • Eldritch Knight
      • Gain the ability to cast spells. Unlock more spells and spell slots upon leveling.
    • Champion
      • Gain Improved Critical Hit.
        • Improved Critical Hit is a stackable effect that reduces the number you need to roll to land a critical hit by one (19 instead of 20).


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  • Primary Stat- Dexterity and Wisdom
  • Level 1: Gain Flurry of Blows, KI Points, and a Class Feature.
    • Flurry of Blows allows you to punch an additional time as a bonus action.
  • Level 2: Gain Unarmoured Movement, Patient Defense, Step of the Wind: Dash, and Step of the Wind: Disengage.
    • Unarmoured Movement increases movement while not wearing armour or a shield.
    • Patient Defense gives attack rolls against you disadvantage.
  • Level 3: Gain Deflect Missiles and a subclass.
    • Deflect Missiles allows you to react and reduce damage from a ranged weapon attack against you.
  • Level 4: Gain Slow Fall and an additional feat or ability points.
    • Slow Fall will use your reaction to gain resistance to fall damage.
  • Level 5: Gain an extra attack and Stunning Strike.
    • Stunning Strike is a melee or unarmed attack that will stun the enemy.
    • The extra attack can only be used after making an unarmed or weapon attack.
  • Level 6: Gain Improved Unarmoured Movement and Ki-Empowered Strikes.
    • Improved Unarmoured Movement increases your move speed even further while not wearing armour or a shield.
    • Ki-Empowered Strikes make your unarmed attacks magical.
  • Level 7: Gain Evasion and Stillness of Mind.
    • Evasion reduces damage taken from spells.
    • Stillness of Mind stops you from being charmed or frightened.
  • Level 8: Gain an additional feat or ability points.
  • Level 9: Gain Advanced Unarmoured Movement.
    • Advanced Unarmoured Movement allows you to move through difficult terrain and increases your jump range while not wearing armour or a shield.
  • Level 10: Gain Increased Unarmoured Movement and Purity of Body.
    • Increased Unarmoured Movement further increased your move speed while not wearing armour or a shield.
    • Purity of Body makes you immune to poison damage and diseases.
  • Level 11: Gain a possible subclass feature.
  • Level 12: Gain an additional feat or ability points.
  • Subclasses
    • Open Hand
      • Gain Flurry of Blows: Push, Stagger, and Topple.
        • Flurry of Blows: Push, Stagger, and Topple are attacks that hit twice and then do said effect.
    • Shadow
      • Gain Minor Illusion and Shadow Arts: Hide, Pass Without a Trace, Darkness, Darkvision, and Silence.
      • These Shadow Arts are action or bonus actions that you can spend your KI points on.
    • Four Elements
      • Gain access to spells and Harmony of Fire and Water.
        • You spend your KI points to cast spells.
        • Harmony of Fire and Water will regain half of your KI points while out of combat.


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  • Primary Stat – Strength
  • Level 1: Gain Chanel Oath Charges, Lay on Hands, Divine Sense, and a subclass.
    • Lay on Hands heals a creature.
    • Divine Sense gives advantage on attack rolls against specific enemies.
  • Level 2: Gain Divine Smite, new spells, and a Fighting Style.
    • Divine Smite deals additional damage with your melee weapon.
    • A Fighting Style makes you specialize in an area.
  • Level 3: Gain Divine Health and more spells.
    • Divine Health prevents disease.
  • Level 4: Gain a Lay on Hands charge and an additional feat or ability points.
  • Level 5: Gain an additional attack.
  • Level 6: Gain Aura of Protection.
    • Aura of Protection gives your party a bonus to saving throws.
  • Level 7: Gain a possible subclass feature.
  • Level 8: Gain an additional feat or ability points.
  • Level 9: Gain a possible subclass feature.
  • Level 10: Gain Aura of Courage.
    • Aura of Courage makes your party immune to being frightened.
  • Level 11: Gain Improved Divine Smite.
    • Improved Divine Smite increases your smite damage.
  • Level 12: Gain an additional feat or ability points.
  • Subclasses
    • Ancients
      • Gain Healing Radiance at level one. Gain a unique feature at level three and a unique spell at level five.
      • Healing Radiance heals all nearby allies as a bonus action.
    • Devotion
      • Gain Holy Rebuke at level one. Gain a unique feature at level three and a unique spell at level five.
      • Holy Rebuke deals damage to someone that hits you with a melee attack.
    • Oathbreaker
      • Gain Spiteful Suffering, Control Undead, and Dreadful Aspect.
      • Spiteful Suffering deals damage each turn for three turns.
      • Control Undead gives you control of an undead creature.
      • Dreadful Aspect frightens nearby enemies.
    • Vengeance
      • Gain Inquisitor’s Might.
        • Inquisitor’s Might is a bonus action that increases your, or an ally’s, weapon attack damage and can daze enemies.


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  • Primary Stat – Dexterity
    • Level 1: Gain Favored Enemy and Natural Explorer.
      • Favored Enemy choices are:
      • Bounty Hunter
      • Keeper of the Veil
      • Mage Breaker
      • Ranger Knight
      • Sanctified Stalker
    • Natural Explorer choices are:
      • Beast Tamer
      • Urban Tracker
      • Wasteland Wanderer: Cold
      • Wasteland Wanderer: Fire
      • Wanderer: Poison
  • Level 2: Gain a Class Passive and access to spells.
  • Level 3: Gain a subclass.
  • Level 4: Gain an additional feat or ability points.
  • Level 5: Gain an additional attack.
  • Level 6: Gain an additional Favoured Enemy and Natural Explorer.
  • Level 7: Gain a possible subclass feature.
  • Level 8: Gain an additional feat or ability points.
  • Level 9: Gain a possible subclass feature.
  • Level 10: Gain Hide in Plain Sight and an additional Favoured Enemy and Natural Explorer.
    • Hide in Plain Sight gives you camouflage and a bonus to stealth checks as long as you stand still as an action.
  • Level 11: Gain a possible subclass feature.
  • Level 12: Gain an additional feat or ability points.
  • Subclasses
    • Hunter
      • Gain Hunter’s Prey.
      • Hunter’s Prey choices are Colossus Slayer, Giant Killer, and Horde Breaker.
    • Beast Master
      • Gain Summon Companion.
      • Summon Companion summons a beast to fight alongside you.
    • Gloom Stalker
      • Gain Dread Ambusher, Superior Darkvision, Dread Ambusher: Hide, Umbral Shroud, and Disguise Self.
        • Dread Ambusher gives bonus initiative, movement speed, and additional damage on the first turn of combat.
        • Umbral Shroud turns you invisible.


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  • Primary Stat – Dexterity
  • Level 1: Gain Sneak Attack Melee and Sneak Attack Ranged.
    • These sneak attacks are more damaging.
  • Level 2: Gain Cunning Action: Dash and Cunning Action Disengage.
    • These are bonus actions.
  • Level 3: Gain a subclass.
  • Level 4: Gain an additional feat or ability points and a subclass feature.
  • Level 5: Gain Uncanny Dodge.
    • Uncanny Dodge reduces damage taken from attacks.
  • Level 6: Gain Expertise in two skills.
  • Level 7: Gain Evasion.
    • Evasion reduces spell damage received.
  • Level 8: Gain an additional feat or ability points.
  • Level 9: Gain a possible subclass feature.
  • Level 10: Gain an additional feat or ability points.
  • Level 11: Gain Reliable Talent.
    • Reliable Talent makes the lowest roll you can get with ability checks that you are proficient with a ten.
  • Level 12: Gain an additional feat or ability points.
  • Subclasses
    • Arcane Trickster
      • Gain access to spells and Mage Hand Legerdemain.
        • Mage Hand Legerdemain is Mage Hand but invisible.
    • Thief
      • Gain Fast Hands and Second-Story Work.
      • Fast Hands give you an additional bonus action.
      • Second-Story Work gives you resistance to fall damage.
    • Assassin
      • Gain Assassinate: Initiative and Ambush plus Assassin’s Alacrity
        • Assassinate: Initiative gives you advantage against enemies that have not taken their turn.
        • Assassinate: Ambush makes all of your successful attack rolls against surprised enemy’s critical hits.
        • Assassin’s Alacrity restores your action and bonus action at the start of combat.


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  • Primary Stat – Charisma
  • Level 1: Gain four cantrips, two spells, and a subclass.
  • Level 2: Gain Sorcerer Features and two Metamagic Options.
  • Level 3: Gain Sorcerer Features and one Metamagic Option.
  • Level 4: Gain an additional feat or ability points.
  • Level 5: Gain Sorcerer Features and more spells.
  • Level 6: Gain a possible subclass feature.
  • Level 7: Gain a possible subclass feature.
  • Level 8: Gain an additional feat or ability points.
  • Level 9: Gain a possible subclass feature.
  • Level 10: Gain a MetaMagic option.
  • Level 11: Gain a possible subclass feature.
  • Level 12: Gain an additional feat or ability points.
  • Subclasses
    • Draconic Bloodline
      • Gain Draconic Resilience: Hit Points.
      • More Health per level.
      • Gain Draconic Resilience: Armour Class.
      • Base AC increased while not wearing armour.
    • Wild Magic
      • Gain Tides of Chaos and Wild Magic.
      • Tides of Chaos gives advantage with an increased chance of a Wild Magic surge.
      • Wild Magic might cause your spells to have a random magical effect.
  • Storm Sorcery
    • Gain Tempestuous Magic.
      • Tempestuous Magic allows you to fly as a bonus action after casting a level one spell or higher.


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  • Primary Stat – Charisma
  • Level 1: Gain two cantrips, two spells, Eldritch Blast, and a subclass.
  • Level 2: Gain a Warlock Feature and two Eldritch Invocations.
  • Level 3: Gain access to level two spells and a Warlock Pact.
  • Level 4: Gain a cantrip, a level two spell, and an additional feat or ability points.
  • Level 5: Gain an Eldritch Invocation and access to level three spells.
  • Level 6: Gain a possible subclass feature.
  • Level 7: Gain a possible subclass feature.
  • Level 8: Gain an additional feat or ability points.
  • Level 9: Gain an Eldritch Invocation.
  • Level 10: Gain a possible subclass feature.
  • Level 11: Gain Mystic Arcanum.
    • Mystic Arcanum allows you to cast a level six spell without spending a spell slot once per long rest.
  • Level 12: Gain an additional feat or ability points.
  • Subclasses
    • Fiend
      • Gain Dark One’s Blessing.
      • The Dark One’s Blessing gives temporary hit points on kill.
    • Great Old One
    • Gain Mortal Reminder.
      • Mortal Reminder, when you land a critical hit, frightens nearby enemies of the target.
    • Archfey
      • Gain subclass spells and Fey Presence.
        • Fey Presence is an action that will either charm or frighten nearby enemies.


Baldur's Gate 3 Multiclass Guide (+List of Class Abilities and Features) (14)

  • Primary Stat – Intelligence
  • Level 1: Gain three cantrips, six spells, and Arcane Recovery.
  • Level 2: Gain a subclass.
  • Level 3: Gain level two spells.
  • Level 4: Gain a Wizard Feature and an additional feat or ability points.
  • Level 5: Gain level three spells.
  • Level 6: Gain a possible subclass feature.
  • Level 7: Gain a possible subclass feature.
  • Level 8: Gain an additional feat or ability points.
  • Level 9: Gain a possible subclass feature.
  • Level 10: Gain a possible subclass feature.
  • Level 11: Gain a possible subclass feature.
  • Level 12: Gain an additional feat or ability points.
  • Subclasses
    • Abjuration
      • Gain Abjuration Servant and Arcane Ward.
      • Abjuration Servant reduces the cost of learning Abjuration spells.
      • Arcane Ward gives you a replenishing shield whenever you cast an Abjuration spell.
    • Evocation
      • Gain Evocation Servant and Sculpt Spells.
      • Evocation Servant reduces the cost of learning Evocation spells.
      • Sculpt Spells ensure you do not hit your allies with your Evocation spells.
    • Conjuration
      • Gain Conjuration Savant and Minor Conjuration: Create Water.
        • Conjuration Savant reduces the cost of learning Conjuration spells.
        • Minor Conjuration: Create Water calls forth rain.
    • Divination
      • Gain Divination Savant and Portent.
        • Divination Savant reduces the cost of learning Divination spells.
        • Portent gives you two rolled dice after each long rest. You can use these dice to change either an attack or saving throw, made in combat, to the predetermined dice roll.
    • Enchantment
      • Gain Enchantment Savant and Hypnotic Gaze.
        • Enchantment Savant reduces the cost of learning Enchantment spells.
        • Hypnotic Gaze charms and incapacitates a creature.
    • Necromancy
      • Gain Necromancy Savant and Grim Harvest.
        • Necromancy Savant reduces the cost of learning Necromancy spells.
        • Grim Harvest heals you once per turn upon killing a creature with a spell.
    • Illusion
      • Gain Illusion Savant and Improved Minor Illusion.
        • Illusion Savant reduces the cost of learning Illusion spells.
        • Improved Minor Illusion is Minor Illusion except it can be cast when silenced and you can remain hidden on cast.
    • Transmutation
      • Gain Transmutation Savant and Experimental Alchemy.
        • Transmutation Savant reduces the cost of learning Transmutation spells.
        • Experimental Alchemy will make two items instead of one if you pass a medicine check.

Okay, that was the quick overview of each class and their subclasses that were available in early access! Reference this list when making your very own multiclass characters.

Popular Multiclass Combinations

To give you an example of how to pair classes, here are some common examples:

  • The Sorcadin (CHR)
    • This is a combination of Sorcerer and Paladin. The Paladin gives much-needed tankiness and Divine Smite. The Sorcerer provides high-level spell slots. Together this class will dish out some awe-inspiring damage.
  • The Gloomassassin (DEX)
    • This is a combination of the Rogue and Ranger. Both classes play off the same stats and are experts at taking down single targets! Combined, these two will quickly eliminate key threats to the party.
  • The Sorlock (CHR)
    • This is a combination of the Sorcerer and the Warlock. The key spell here is Eldritch Blast, a Warlock skill, but one that the Sorcerer can buff with their Metamagic! Together this class will be firing off high-damage blasts multiple times per round.
  • Barbarian Fighter (STR and/or DEX)
    • Make the ultimate martial melee fighter with access to both Rage and Action Surge.
  • All For One
    • This is an achievement build introduced for BG3. You take one level in each class! This is not recommended, but it does show off those possibilities!

These are just four possibilities, but they are all fantastic (well except one lol).

Tips and Tricks

Here are a few rules of thumbs I’ve learned over the years:

  • Dipping into classes is generally better than going half and half when multiclassing.
  • Try to limit the number of classes that you dip into. Remember more is not always better!
  • Try to keep attribute points in mind. Classes that share main attributes tend to work better together than ones that clash.
  • Lastly, I like my multiclass characters to “pay off” for me before the end game. If I do all this work, I want to be able to play through most of the game with my build.

That is all you need to know too multiclass. Find a combination that you think will work well and then try and break the game!

If you end up breaking your own game, remember that you can respec your character. There are a lot of options out there, and in every game, there is always something unique and interesting with this feature. BG3 will be no different.

If you’re looking for the best classes to build upon, check out our BG3 class tier list. For our multiclass build rankings, check out our list of the best BG3 multiclasses.

Baldur's Gate 3BuildsClasses

Baldur's Gate 3 Multiclass Guide (+List of Class Abilities and Features) (2024)


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