Destiny 2 Salvage Activity (How to Complete, Rewards & Mission) (2024)

Season of the Deep introduced new Seasonal Activities and one of these is the Salvage Activity, which hosts a group of 6 Guardians to take on certain objectives.

Salvage is an activity that sends Guardians to collect Golden Age salvage from the Kraken Mare, which is needed to help the Drifter.

You and your Fireteam will be taking on a set of challenges before facing off against a powerful boss before redeeming a Salvage Chest at the end.

Destiny 2 Salvage Activity (How to Complete, Rewards & Mission) (1)

How To Complete Salvage Activity?

The Salvage activity starts with you securing the area and once this is done, you will need to complete a set of objectives.

These objectives will vary per run and will require you to complete each one of them before moving on to face the boss at the end.

Depending on which map you are on, there will be different objectives selected at random and a specific boss that has a connection to the map.

Salvage Mission ObjectivesDestiny 2 Salvage Activity (How to Complete, Rewards & Mission) (2)

Each map will have its objectives that are selected at random and all of them eventually lead to fighting a boss at the end and the opening of a Salvage Chest.

1) Secure the Rig

Once you and your Fireteam are deployed, you will need to head over to the marked area and clear it of enemies before proceeding to the next objectives.

2) Reach the Next Job Site

A waypoint will point you to the direction of the area where you will be completing your first task and you will need to follow it until you reach it.

3) Complete the First Salvage Activity

Once you and your Fireteam are deployed, you will need to head over to the marked area and clear it of enemies before proceeding to the next objectives.

4) Reach the Next Job Site

Now that the first objective has been completed, head over to the location marked by a waypoint to start the second job.

5) Complete the Second Salvage Activity

A second objective will be given once you have reached the area and you will need to complete it before moving on to the next task.

6) Reach the Next Job Site

Once again you will need to head over to the marked area where the next job will take place before you can continue with the objectives.

7) Complete the Third Salvage Activity

The third and last job will be given and you will need to complete it before you can move on to the path leading to the mission boss.

8) Locate the Disruption

You and your Fireteam will be teleported to an underwater diving spot where you need to jump into the water and make your way towards the waypoint.

This will require you to fight your way past certain enemies and clear out the enemies required before progressing to the boss fight area.

9) Defeat Boss

Once you have reached the boss fight location, you will be facing off against a certain boss based on which map you are in.

The boss can be defeated quickly depending on how much damage you and your Fireteam can do and afterward, a second boss will appear.

10) Claim Salvage

A Salvage Chest will appear, and this can be opened once you have a Salvage Key, which should be rewarded after you have defeated the bosses.

Salvage Bosses

1) Azshradat, Celebrant of Xivu Arath

Destiny 2 Salvage Activity (How to Complete, Rewards & Mission) (3)

Azshradat, Celebrant of Xivu Arath is a Hive Boss who is fought in an underground facility that is protected by runes and Rune keepers. (Introduced in Season of the Deep Week 1)

Fighting Azshradat requires that you defeat his rune keepers while keeping watch of the Rune Disruption as you clear enemies.

2) Uorgotha, Scourge of the Deep

Destiny 2 Salvage Activity (How to Complete, Rewards & Mission) (4)

Uorgotha, Scourge of the Deep is a boss that resembles a Taken Ogre that is backed up by Taken forces that you face in an underwater cave. (Introduced in Season of the Deep Week 2)

Fighting Uorgotha requires that you defeat its Taken minions before dealing damage to it and later on you encounter a second boss called Val Ca’uor.

Salvage Mission RewardsDestiny 2 Salvage Activity (How to Complete, Rewards & Mission) (5)

Defeating the boss at the end of a Salvage Mission has the chance to reward with a Salvage Key, which can be used to unlock a Salvage Chest.

Completing a Salvage Mission will reward you with Deep Engrams and Bait while also providing you with a Salvage Chest that can be opened.

Opening the Salvage Chest will provide you with rewards from the Season of the Deep (Legendary Gear) as well as Sonar Station Reputation.


Depending on the week, a rotation between the maps will occur, allowing you to face off against each of the bosses to complete a certain Seasonal Challenge.

Each of the Salvage Missions has the same amount of time that requires you to complete the same number of objectives before fighting a boss.

Salvage Missions are one of the best ways for you to get Deep Engrams, which can later be used to focus gear from Season of the Deep.

Destiny 2 Salvage Activity (How to Complete, Rewards & Mission) (2024)


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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.