How to complete each Salvation's Edge Raid Triumph in Destiny 2 (2024)

Destiny 2‘sSalvation’s Edge Raid is the capstone experience of The Final Shape expansion, propelling Guardians deep within the monolith of The Witness toput an end toits vile reign of terror. While some players may have already braved the Raid and completed each of its five encounters, there’s another layer of challengeslyingin wait: the Raid Triumphs. Though some of these Triumphs are pretty cut and dry, some are more esoteric in the hints they provide. Players will likely want to complete as many Salvation’s Edge Triumphs as possible, as most offer valuable rewards.

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Every Raid inDestiny 2has Triumphs associated with it, made up primarily of self-imposed challenges and restrictions. That said, it’s often worth completing Raid Triumphs, as many reward gear like unique Exotic Sparrows, Titles, andevena higher chance to earn the Raid Exotic upon completion. There are 26 Triumphs for Salvation’s Edge, with many contributing progress toward the Iconoclast Title. Here’s howeach can be completed.

Salvation’s Edge

How to complete each Salvation's Edge Raid Triumph in Destiny 2 (1)

Allthat’s requiredfor this Triumph isa completion ofeach encounter in the Raid on any difficulty.Thisdoes not have tobe donein one run.

Rewards: the Edification Emblem. Counts toward Iconoclast Title

Master Difficulty Salvation’s Edge

How to complete each Salvation's Edge Raid Triumph in Destiny 2 (2)

As with the previous Triumph, this is asking forplayerto finish every encounter in the Raid, only with the added difficulty of Master mode.

Rewards:theTimeless Bond Ghost shell and a +2 increase to the Raid Exotic,Euphony’s,drop rate. Counts toward Iconoclast Title

Salvation’s Edge Patterns Collected

How to complete each Salvation's Edge Raid Triumph in Destiny 2 (3)

Each of the weaponsthat playerscan earn in Salvation’s Edge is craftable. There is a chance players will earn a red-bordered version of aweaponas a reward or via the red-border puzzle throughout the Raid.These weapons can be dismantled, or players can interact with the Deepsight tab on theweapontomakeprogress toward earning that pattern. There are six weapon patterns in total.

Rewards:Increase the chances of earning an Adept weapon with extra Perks.

Salvation’s Edge Lore Book Unlocks

How to complete each Salvation's Edge Raid Triumph in Destiny 2 (4)

Throughout the Salvation’s Edge Raid, players may come across interactable pickupsthat resemble an apple dissected by The Witness.Eachoftheserewardnot only a Loretab,but also progress on this Triumph.There are eight Lore books in total,witheach interactable found in a different place throughout the Raid.

Salvation’s Edge Lore book locations

  1. On the way tothe Substratum encounter, you’ll eventually reach a well-lit room that has a wall in the center with an hourglass on it. From theentrance of the room, head to the right and jump over the small gap. Turn around and enter the tunnelinthe side ofthe platform you just jumped from. The Lore book is at the end of the path.
  2. Followingthe Dissipation encounter, start the long trek to the third encounter. Along the way,a Lore book can be foundamong all the statues after traversing the blue blocks. It is in front of thelargestatue at the center of the left side.
  3. On the way tothe Repository encounter, once players reach the outdoor area where they must jump between rafters to get back into the monolith, traverse the area asnormal. Once players make it back inside the monolith, turn around. The Lore book is on a small piece of the rafters closest to the monolith entryway.
  4. After completingthe Verity encounter, during the ascent up to The Witness,the fourth Lore book can be locatedon the furthest platformstraight aheadfrom where you entered the area. The platform appears slightly darker than the others around it.
  5. In the same area as Lore book 4, keep climbing, and near the top, you’ll eventually come across a circular wall built into the root you are traversing. The Lore book is on the other side of the wall.
  6. Complete the Raid Mod puzzles (weekly lockout)
  7. Complete the Raid Mod puzzles (weekly lockout)
  8. Complete the Raid Mod puzzles (weekly lockout)

Counts toward Iconoclast Title


How to complete each Salvation's Edge Raid Triumph in Destiny 2 (5)

This Triumph isn’t earnable any longer, asit was givento those who completed Salvation’s Edge during its 48-hour Contest Mode at release.

Rewards: Hunker Down Emblem.

At All Costs

How to complete each Salvation's Edge Raid Triumph in Destiny 2 (6)

This Triumph requires all Fireteam members to live through every encounter in Salvation’s Edge. Completion does not allow disconnects or any Fireteam member returning to Orbit.

Rewards: Diametric Crush Shader and a +3 increase to Eupony’s drop rate.

Once More, Together

How to complete each Salvation's Edge Raid Triumph in Destiny 2 (7)

This Triumph requires a Fireteam full of clanmates to come together to topple the Raid.

Counts toward Iconoclast Title

Electrostatic Force

How to complete each Salvation's Edge Raid Triumph in Destiny 2 (8)

To complete this Triumph, the Fireteam must all use the Arc Subclass for every encounter in the Raid.

Counts toward Iconoclast Title

Endless Abyss

How to complete each Salvation's Edge Raid Triumph in Destiny 2 (9)

This Triumph requires all Fireteam members to use the Void Subclass throughout the Raid.

Counts toward Iconoclast Title

Scorched Grasp

How to complete each Salvation's Edge Raid Triumph in Destiny 2 (10)

The Fireteam must all use the Solar Subclass to complete each Raid encounter.

Counts toward Iconoclast Title

Frozen Over

How to complete each Salvation's Edge Raid Triumph in Destiny 2 (11)

To earn this Triumph, each Fireteam member must use the Stasis Subclass in each Raid encounter.

Threads of Fate

How to complete each Salvation's Edge Raid Triumph in Destiny 2 (12)

This Triumph requires each Fireteam member to use the Strand Subclass throughout each Raid encounter.


How to complete each Salvation's Edge Raid Triumph in Destiny 2 (13)

Each Fireteam member must use the Prismatic Subclass throughout the Raid to complete this Triumph.

Counts toward Iconoclast Title

Unified Front

How to complete each Salvation's Edge Raid Triumph in Destiny 2 (14)

This Triumph requires a Fireteammade upof the same Class to complete each Raid encounter.

Rewards: rewards an increase to Euphony’s drop rate. Counts toward Iconoclast Title

Fragmented Truths

How to complete each Salvation's Edge Raid Triumph in Destiny 2 (15)

Players complete this Triumph after looting each of the two hidden chests in Salvation’s Edge. The firstislocatedbetween encounters two and three, in thelongorange hallway filled with Dread enemies and dotted with three rooms. In the third room, a cutout in the crystal will allow you into a hidden room housing a chest.The second chest can be foundjust beforethe Zenith encounter. Before approaching the boss arena, you’ll notice some platforms leading back toward the center.At the edge of these platforms,players can see a ledge across the gap, under the arena.Follow these ledges to a hidden room with the second secret chest.

Rewards: Resonance Cellweave Shader. Counts toward Iconoclast Title

Scenic Route

How to complete each Salvation's Edge Raid Triumph in Destiny 2 (16)

This Triumph is the rotating challenge for the first encounteranditcan onlybe attemptedwhenit’sactive.To complete the challenge, players must not kill the first Overload Champion a team encounters, opting for the second instead. Teams will need to be extra careful to ensurethat they’restill eliminating Hyrdas while not putting the first Overload in danger. Otherwise, the encounter plays out asnormal.

Rewards: a Raid weapon and an increase to Euphony’s drop rate. Counts toward Iconoclast Title

Touch and Go

How to complete each Salvation's Edge Raid Triumph in Destiny 2 (17)

This Triumph is the static challenge for the first encounter, making it accessible anytime. To complete the challenge, players must complete Substratum whilealsoensuring every Fireteam member has the same amount of Resonance before anyone gets more. The easiest way to do this is to have the players in charge of the plates collect Resonance in their rooms as it appears while the two extra players collect it from the center room. Once everyone has two stacks of Resonance, the plate playersare free tograb their third stack.

Rewards: a Raid weapon and an increase to Euphony’s drop rate. Counts toward Iconoclast Title

At Capacity

How to complete each Salvation's Edge Raid Triumph in Destiny 2 (18)

This Triumph is the rotating challenge for the second encounter, only available once every five weeks. To complete this challenge, players must never dunkless thanthree stacks of Resonance into the chest. To make this work, the player locking each conductor should only collect one Resonance, which willbe consumedwhen the conductor is locked.This allows each of the other playersto freely collect three Resonance before the conductor is locked.

Rewards: a Raid weapon and an increase to Euphony’s drop rate. Counts toward Iconoclast Title

Changing Tactics

How to complete each Salvation's Edge Raid Triumph in Destiny 2 (19)

This Triumph is the static challenge for the second encounter, making it available anytime. To complete this challenge, players must complete the encounter while locking conductors in a different location from where they collected Resonance. The easiest way to complete this is to have the conductor-locking players swap sidesjustbefore the lock.This willlikelymeanplayerswill have toeliminate at least two Major enemies, as one spawns any time the bounce chain breaks between two plate players.

Rewards: a Raid weapon and an increase to Euphony’s drop rate. Counts toward Iconoclast Title

Balanced Diet

How to complete each Salvation's Edge Raid Triumph in Destiny 2 (20)

This Triumph is the rotating challenge for the third encounter, meaning itwon’tbe availableallthe time.To complete this challenge, players must finish the encounter without collecting the same type of Resonance twicein a row. The best way to manage this is to go for one of each type, with conductor players needing to collect their conductor’s required Resonance last. The one extra wrench thrown in is that the rule persists from room to room, meaning if players grabbed Pyramidal Energy last in the previous room, they could not start with it in the following room.

Rewards: a Raid weapon and an increase to Euphony’s drop rate. Counts toward Iconoclast Title

Singular Torment

How to complete each Salvation's Edge Raid Triumph in Destiny 2 (21)

This Triumph is the static challenge for the third encounter, making it available whenever.To complete the challenge, only one player can eliminate Tormentors throughout the encounter.Other players can help lower their health, but only one must land the finishing blow. The selected player will alsobe responsible for readingwhat type of Resonance each conductor needs.

Rewards: a Raid weapon and an increase to Euphony’s drop rate. Counts toward Iconoclast Title

Varied Geometry

How to complete each Salvation's Edge Raid Triumph in Destiny 2 (22)

The Varied Geometry Triumph is the rotating challenge for the fourth encounter, making it available only sometimes. To complete the challengeplayerscannot form the same 3D shape twice in a row. To solve this, during the second round, playerswill need toforma simple 3D shape by doubling up on a shape that is not their own.This can be doneby having the inside players swap symbolsone additional time, ensuring each player ends up with double shapes that aren’t their own. The person dissecting will also have to be in theconversation,sothey can make the correct shapes outside.

Rewards: a Raid weapon and an increase to Euphony’s drop rate. Counts toward Iconoclast Title

Equal Distribution

How to complete each Salvation's Edge Raid Triumph in Destiny 2 (23)

This Triumph is the static challenge for the fourth encounter, making it always available. To complete this challenge, players must finish the encounter without ever interacting with the same statue twicein a row.Communication is a must here andessentiallyrequires the Fireteam to slow down a bit and have players call out whenthey’reinteracting with statues and where.

Rewards: a Raid weapon and an increase to Euphony’s drop rate. Counts toward Iconoclast Title

Coordinated Efforts

How to complete each Salvation's Edge Raid Triumph in Destiny 2 (24)

This Triumph is the rotating challenge for the fifth encounter, meaning it’ll only be availablecertainweeks. To complete the challenge,each of The Witness’ buttons (or glyphs) must be brokenwithin five seconds after the first. To do this, every member of the Fireteam will need the Glyphbreaker buff. Players dealing with enemies will need to swap with players who already have Glyphbreaker so they can get the buff, too.Thismust be repeatedbefore every damage phase.

Rewards: a Raid weapon and an increase to Euphony’s drop rate. Counts toward Iconoclast Title

Careful Calculation

How to complete each Salvation's Edge Raid Triumph in Destiny 2 (25)

This Triumph is the static challenge for the fifth encounter, making it available anytime. To complete the challenge, players must finish the encounter without any player reaching three stacks of Resonance. All that’s required to complete this is a bit of careful play, avoiding AOEs whenever possible.

Rewards: a Raid weapon and an increase to Euphony’s drop rate. Counts toward Iconoclast Title

Ignited Light

How to complete each Salvation's Edge Raid Triumph in Destiny 2 (26)

This Triumphis awardedafter players have completed eachof the rotating challengesfor each encounter on Master difficulty.

Rewards: the Turmoil Engine Sparrow. Counts toward Iconoclast Title

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How to complete each Salvation's Edge Raid Triumph in Destiny 2 (2024)


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