Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (2024)

by Lindsay 50 Comments

Hi Friends!

As promised, things are back on schedule today! I was going to write my FNCE recap but I ended up spending most of the day yesterday playing catchup- on sleep, on emails, on hubby time. This upcoming weekend will be the first weekend in a month that hubby and I have both been at home together. I can’t wait! Anyways, I whipped up the tasty little bites pictured above for dinner last night and just HAD to share them today!

Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (3)

One of the things I miss most when I’m traveling is cooking my own food. I’m a sucker for being in control so I can only tolerate eating out so many times before I get a little stressed out. So, even though I hadn’t been grocery shopping, I headed straight to the kitchen last night to see what I could come up with. The end result was delicious and that’s good news for me because it means that all of the ingredients are things that I almost always have on hand, no matter whether I’ve just gone grocery shopping or haven’t gone for a few weeks.


Mexican Quinoa Bites

Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (4)

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Throw your taste buds a miniature fiesta with these easy Mexican bites.

  • Author: Author: Lindsay
  • Prep Time: 20 minutes
  • Cook Time: 15 minutes
  • Total Time: 35 minutes
  • Yield: 24 1x



  • 1/2 c quinoa, uncooked
  • 1 c black beans, cooked
  • 1/4 c avocado, smashed
  • 1 egg
  • 1 red pepper, diced
  • 1/2 c corn kernals, cooked
  • 1/2 c onion, diced
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
  • 1/3 c ground pepitas (or breadcrumbs)
  • 1/2 c low-fat mexican shredded cheese


  1. Rinse quinoa and cook according to package directions.
  2. Combine beans, avocado, peppers, corn and onion in a small bowl and mix well.
  3. Add spices and stir to combine.
  4. Add cooked quinoa (cooled slightly), egg and ground pepitas and mix well.
  5. Spray mini muffin tins with cooking spray and spoon in quinoa mixture.
  6. Bake at 375 degrees for 15 minutes.
  7. Remove from oven and let cool 5-10 min in pan.
  8. Gently remove from pan and serve with bbq sauce or salsa.

Aren’t they cute? I’m love bite-sized foods. These would make a great party appetizer, tailgate snack or dinner entree!

I dipped mine in bbq sauce,
hubby topped his with sriracha.

Next time I might try mixing the bbq sauce in before baking!

Let’s chat!

Bite-size or full-size?
What’s your favorite appetizer?


Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (7)


Get my free Table Talk email series where I share bite-sized nutrition information about carbs, protein, and fat, plus bonus information about snacks and sugar!

Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (8)

About Lindsay

Lindsay Livingston is a Registered Dietitian and new mom from Columbus, Ohio. On her blog, she shares simple, healthy recipes, nutrition tips, workouts and snapshots of her life. Follow her on Twitter @LeanGrnBeanBlog and Instagram @TheLeanGreenBean and be sure to subscribe via RSS or email so you never miss a post!

Reader Interactions


  1. Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (9)Sandra Laflamme says

    Those look delicious. I just love quinoa but my husband is not ao sure. Perhaps these would make a great app for my next book group. thanks for sharing this recipe!


  2. Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (10)Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table says

    such a cool idea to smack the avocado in this! I love bite-sized goodies… maybe a little too much at times. LOL!


  3. Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (11)Court Star @ StarSystemz says

    I am obsessed with muffin tin recipes because #1 they are so easy and #2 they are the perfect size and #3 they are perfectly shaped which makes my life a heck of a lot easier to make appetizers that look appealing for guests! I will have to try this baby out! I just made turkey muffins check out my blog for the recipe I think you will really enjoy them. Love and Shine CourtStar


  4. Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (12)Miz says

    I LOVE my minimuffin tins too.
    for savory all the way…


  5. Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (13)Julie @ ROJ Running says

    These look really amazing. Makes me sad I can’t have quinoa! But what a great idea for taking to a party.


  6. Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (15)lindsay says

    welcome home friend. glad you are getting some quality time with the hubs and doggies soon. These are just brilliant. I shall make and put an egg on top!


  7. Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (16)Danielle @ Clean Food Creative Fitness says

    Love this recipe! These are so cute and would make such a cute appetizer! I’ve been loving quinoa lately and am always looking for new ways to prepare it!


    • Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (17)Lindsay says

      awesome! hope you like them!


  8. Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (18)Andrea says

    These are precious!! Adding them to my ‘to make’ list!


  9. Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (19)Linz @ Itz Linz says

    I love all your “bite” recipes!! They are perfect for appetizers! I’m more of a full size kind of person for dinner… but these bites are perfect to bring to someones house!


  10. Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (20)Mo says

    YUM!!! I am the same way – I can only stand eating out so much before I NEED to return home & cook. Nothing beats a home cooked meal!


  11. Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (22)Laura says

    Just pinned! They are the cutest… and we’re hosting friends next weekend, I think I’m going to make these as an appetizer!


    • Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (23)Lindsay says

      yay!!! let me know how it goes!!


    • Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (25)Lindsay says

      thank you!!!!!! aren’t they cute 🙂


  12. Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (26)Alexis @ Hummusapien says

    I NEED a mini muffin tin! Everything is better pre-portioned…even if it means I eat like ten 🙂 These look awesome, Lindsay!


    • Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (27)Lindsay says

      oh girl, yes you do! go buy one ASAP!


  13. Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (28)Allie says

    I definitely love bite-sized for appetizers or any time there are a lot of different food options–then I can taste it all! But regular meals? I love to go gigantic, haha. Ridiculously large omelets, giant bowls of salad, oh yes!


  14. Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (30)Christine @ Love, Life, Surf says

    Oh man, I’m so excited to see another quinoa recipe. I <3 quinoa. Now I have an excuse to buy a mini muffin tin!


    • Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (31)Lindsay says

      everyone needs mini muffins!


  15. Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (33)Melissa @ Live, Love, & Run says

    Ohhhhh, I’m makin’ these babies in the next day or two!!! I’ll take pics.;)


    • Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (34)Lindsay says

      yay!!! can’t wait!!


  16. Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (35)Lauren says

    Yum! I may try these out tonight! My husband won’t often eat vegetarian, so when he’s gone at work, that’s my pleasure. I’m really liking the look of your blog! It’s much cleaner and easier on my eyes! 🙂


    • Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (36)Lindsay says

      hope you like them!


  17. Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (37)Iris says

    These are adorable! And they look delicious too – I would definitely add Sriracha like your husband did (I’m a Sriracha fiend). 😉


  18. Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (38)Amanda @RunToTheFinish says

    Yes! I am pinning this now so I can remember it. I saw your instagram and have been dying to see the recipe!


  19. Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (41)sarah k @ the pajama chef says

    i made something like this over the summer. i’m sure they are great!


  20. Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (42)Kierston says

    Love mini bites! These look delish! Pinning 🙂


    • Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (43)Lindsay says

      thanks so much!!


  21. Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (44)Katie Z says

    Oh my gosh. You are officially a genius. This is so perfect!!


    • Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (45)Lindsay says



  22. Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (47)Sylvia @ Frolic Through Life says

    This look amazing. I love everything quinoa, so these look like such happy little quinoa muffins!


    • Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (49)Lindsay says

      thank you!


  23. Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (51)Kam says

    Dan and I (from Perth) made these for lunch yesterday, they were a hit! Thanks for the great idea. Sending foodie love from down under!


    • Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (52)Lindsay says

      ahhhh! yay! so glad to hear it 🙂


  24. Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (53)Kristi Rimkus says

    It’s recipe is on my appetizer list for sure. What a great way to get the family to eat quinoa.


  25. Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (54)Roughly A Runner says

    This is genius. Abso-effing-lutely genius.

    That is all.


    • Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (55)Lindsay says

      haha well thank you 🙂


  26. Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (56)Pam says

    These look amazing! Can these be baked a day in advance? I have a Mexican themed Potluck lunch at work and wont be able to make them “fresh” that same day. What do you think?


    • Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (57)Lindsay says

      I think they’d be ok. I’ve reheated leftovers before and they were fine.


      • Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (58)Pam says

        Awesome! Thanks for your quick response. I’ll let you know how they turn out. 🙂


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Mexican Quinoa Bites Recipe | Easy Quinoa Recipe (2024)


Can you buy quinoa in Mexico? ›

This culinary harmony with Mexico's signature seasonings accounts for the fact that, while it was difficult to find just a decade or so ago, quinoa is now sold throughout the country, as well as dozens of venues in Mexico City alone.

What do you serve with quinoa? ›

As a side dish: Cook quinoa according to package instructions and serve as a simple side dish with roasted vegetables, grilled chicken or fish, or a salad. In a salad: Use cooked quinoa as a base for a hearty salad, and mix in fresh vegetables, herbs, nuts, and a vinaigrette dressing.

Why is quinoa so expensive? ›

While the cost of planting and sowing quinoa is not that expensive, the bulk of the cost for good quality quinoa goes into removing saponin, which is a toxic layer that protects the grain and gives it a very bitter taste.

Is quinoa cheaper than rice? ›

Quinoa also tends to be more expensive than some other grain options like rice. Lastly, boxed and flavored versions may contain numerous additives and preservatives so be sure to check the label before purchasing.

Is it OK to eat quinoa everyday? ›

You can eat one-two cups of cooked quinoa in a day. You should avoid eating it if you experience stomachache, itchiness or vomiting after consuming it. A study by Harvard Public School of Health has reported that eating a bowl of quinoa daily is healthy and without any side effects.

How do you make quinoa taste good? ›

Cook in vegetable, beef, or chicken broth: Cooking quinoa in vegetable, beef, or chicken stock is probably the easiest way to flavor it. You can simply swap the water with your choice of stock and use the same amount to cook your quinoa. Alternatively, if you prefer, you can also use half water and half stock.

What grains are popular in Mexico? ›

Mexico's main crops include grains such as corn and wheat, tropical fruits and various vegetables. Agricultural exports are important, especially coffee, tropical fruits and winter fruits and vegetables. Sixty percent of Mexico's agricultural exports go to the United States.

Which country has the best quinoa? ›

Top Quinoa-Producing Countries in 2023
  • Peru. As of 2023, Peru is the largest producer of quinoa in the world with an approximate annual yield of 106,756 tons. ...
  • Bolivia. ...
  • Ecuador.

What grains are eaten in Mexico? ›

Despite the introduction of wheat and rice to Mexico, maize is the most commonly consumed grain in almost all areas of the country and serves as the main ingredient in many local recipes (e.g. maize tortillas, atole, pozole, menudo, tamal).

Which country is famous for quinoa? ›

Quinoa is an Andean plant which originated in the area surrounding Lake Titicaca in Peru and Bolivia. Quinoa was cultivated and used by pre-Columbian civilizations and was replaced by cereals on the arrival of the Spanish, despite being a local staple food at the time.


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