Muslim baby boy names starting with K - My baby Names (2024)

KasraA character in shahnamehKasir

Another name of God, One who breaks

KasimDivided, LovelyKasibFertile, Winner, ProviderKashifUncovered, Pioneer, DiscovererKashfiTo revealKashanA famous cityKashafOpener, Untie, One who opensKaseemDivided, LovelyKaseebFertile, Winner, ProviderKasamOathKarrarRepeated assaultKaroobiAngelKarmaniBenefactorKarin

Purity, To achieve, Celebrating, Happy


Generous, Noble, Friendly, Precious and distinguished, Kind

KarifBorn in autumnKareem

Generous, Noble, Friendly, Precious and distinguished, Kind

KareefBorn in autumnKardarPrime ministerKardalMustard seedKaramullahBounty of AllahKanwalFlower, LotusKanoomTrustedKanielSpear-likeKamyarSuccessfulKamshadHappy, Wish, DesireKamilatCompleteKamilanWithout flawsKamil

Beautiful, Perfect, One of the ninety nine qualities of God


Beautiful, Perfect, One of the ninety nine qualities of God

KambizFortunateKalsumahOne who has full healthy cheeksKalsum

Name of prophet muhammads (Pbuh) daughter, One who has full healthy cheeks


Creative, Refers to a quality of God

KalimullahOne who conversed with AllahKalim

Speaker, Talker, Prophet Muhammad


Speaker, Talker, Prophet Muhammad


An authority on genealogy and the Quran

KalbDogKalanGreater, Bigger, SeniorKalam

Speech, Conversation, Philosophy, Discussion, Compliment

KajjiAn authority of Hadith at baghdadKaiserCaesar, Emperor, KingKaisan

Wise, A companion of the prophet


One who has beautiful black eyes

KahillBest friendKahilFriend, LoverKahalOne who has dark eyelidsKafiyahSufficientKafil

Responsible, Surety, Sponsor, Guarantor


Responsible, Surety, Sponsor, Guarantor

KafalatTo helpKadir

Green or green crop connoting freshness and innocence, Powerful

KadinLittle battle, CompanionKader

Green or green crop connoting freshness and innocence, Powerful


Green or green crop connoting freshness and innocence, Powerful

KadeenLittle battle, CompanionKadeemSlave to GodKadarDivine destiny, PowerfulKabir

Indian saint in 1440, Great, Famous sufi saint, Noble


Indian saint in 1440, Great, Famous sufi saint, Noble

KabaarkNoble, DignitariesKabFame, Honor, High rankKaashifUncovered, Pioneer, DiscovererKaarin

Purity, To achieve, Celebrating, Happy

Kaami PerfectKaarin

Purity; To achieve; Celebrating; Happy

KaashifUncovered; Pioneer; DiscovererKabaark Noble; DignitariesKabar TombKabeer

Indian saint in 1440; A great, famous Sufi saint; Noble


Indian saint in 1440; A great, famous Sufi saint; Noble

KadarDivine destiny; PowerfulKadeemSlave to GodKadeen Little battle; CompanionKadeer

Green or green crop connoting freshness and innocence; Powerful


Green or green crop connoting freshness and innocence; Powerful

Kadin Little battle; CompanionKadir

Green or green crop connoting freshness and innocence; Powerful

Kafalat To helpKafeel

Responsible; Surety; Sponsor; Guarantor


Responsible; Surety; Sponsor; Guarantor

Kafiyah SufficientKahal One who has dark eyelidsKahil Friend; LoverKahill Best friendKahul

One who has beautiful black eyes

KaifiJolly; Tipsy; Intoxicated; LustyKaiqadDappleKaisan

Wise; A companion of the prophet

Kaiser Caesar; Emperor; KingKajjiAn authority of Hadith at BaghdadKalam

Speech; Conversation; Philosophy; Discussion; Compliment

KalanGreater; Bigger; SeniorKalbi

An authority on genealogy and the Quran


Speaker; Talker; Prophet Muhammad

KaleemaBlackishKalifah LoverKalim

Speaker; Talker; Prophet Muhammad

Kalimullah One who conversed with AllahKaliq

Creative; Refers to the quality of God


Name of prophet Muhammad's (Pbuh) daughter; One who has full healthy cheeks

Kalsumah One who has full healthy cheeksKamaluddinThe perfection of religion (Islam)Kambiz FortunateKameel

Beautiful; Perfect; One of the ninety nine qualities of God


Beautiful; Perfect; One of the ninety nine qualities of God

Kamilan Without flawsKamilat CompleteKamranSuccessful; Prosperous; LuckyKamrulAloneKamshadHappy; Wish; DesireKamyar SuccessfulKaniel Spear-likeKanoomTrustedKanwal Flower; LotusKaramullahBounty of AllahKardalMustard seedKardar Prime ministerKareefBorn in autumnKareem

Generous; Noble; Friendly; Precious and distinguished; Kind

Karif Born in autumnKarim

Generous; Noble; Friendly; Precious and distinguished; Kind


Purity; To achieve; Celebrating; Happy

Karma Deed; Action; Destiny; Code; DutyKarmaniBenefactorKaroobiAngelKarrarRepeated assaultKasamOathKaseebFertile; Winner; ProviderKaseem Divided; LovelyKashaf

The opener; Untie; One who opens

KashanA famous cityKashfiTo revealKashifUncovered; Pioneer; DiscovererKasibFertile; Winner; ProviderKasim Divided; LovelyKasir

Another name of God; One who breaks

KasraA character in shahnamehKassab WinnerKatebWriterKateebh BattalionKatibah WriterKausar

108th Sura of the holy Quran; Reservoir in paradise

Kayani Of good natureKaykaus Just; Noble king of IranKaysan

Wise; A companion of the prophet

Kayvan World; UniverseKaziJudge; JusticeKazim Restrainer of angerKazimah One who controls her angerKeyaan Crown; King; A form of KeonKeyan Crown; King; A form of KeonKeyath From the battlefieldKhabbab One who paces; Trots; WalkKhabeerKnowledgeableKhadimServant of GodKhadin Best friendKhafid Easy; Comfortable; SmoothKhafiz Easy; Comfortable; SmoothKhairi Charitable; BeneficentKhairuddin Boon of religion (Islam)Khairul

Best of mankind; An epithet of the prophet Muhammad

KhairyCharitable; BeneficentKhaista BeautifulKhakSand; Dirt; Used to denoteKhalafDescendant; SuccessorKhalam Servant to AllahKhaldoonImplies eternity; Old Arabic nameKhaldunImplies eternity; Old Arabic nameKhaleed Abiding; Immortal; EternalKhaleelA beautiful and good friendKhaleeq Suitable; Polite; CreatorKhalid Abiding; Immortal; EternalKhalifaThe successor; Viceroy; CaliphKhalifahSuccessor; CaliphKhalilA beautiful and Good friendKhalilullahA friend of Allah; An epithetKhaliq Suitable; Polite; CreatorKhalisPure; ClearKhalladOld; AgedKhan Leader; Ruler; AmeerKhaqanGreat kingKhashiPious; DevoutKhashif DesireKhasibFruitful; ProlificKhateeb

Orator; Preacher; Religious minister


Orator; Preacher; Religious minister

Khatir Heart; IdeaKhawar From east to westKhawliDeer; Name Of A SahabiKhawwasKhawwat Name of a companionKhayaamIranian poet; TentKhayal Imagination; ConcentrationKhayriCharitable; BeneficentKhayum AlwaysKhayyamTent makerKhayyatTailorKhayyir GenerousKhazin TreasurerKhidash

Companion of prophet Muhammad

KhidrGreenKhirash Scratching; ScrapingKhizarName of a prophetKhogSweet; CuteKhoury PriestKhubaibFast walkerKhubaybFast walkerKhulaifah A form of KhalifahKhulayd

Abiding; A companion of the prophet

Khulus Clearness; PurityKhunays HiddenKhuram TigerKhuraymName of a companionKhurram Cheerful; HappyKhursheed Shining Sun or cheerful; The SunKhushal Happy; ProsperousKhushbakhtFortunate; Of good fortuneKhushdil Happy heartKhushhal Happy; ProsperousKhushtar Surrounded by happinessKhuzaimahOld Arabic nameKhuzaymaOld Arabic nameKhuzaymahOld Arabic nameKhwaja Master; OwnerKhwazunMovement; MovingKhyber Famous passKia King; Protector; DefenderKibria Divine majestyKifahah StruggleKifat Lion; Cheetah; TigerKifayat Enough; SufficientKinzaHidden treasureKiram GenerousKiyan Kings; RoyalKohl FalconKuram SelflessKurayb

Ibn abi Muslim al-Hashami had this name

KaabFameKaafSufficient, EnoughKaamilPerfectKamilatCompleteKaashifDiscovererKassimOne who is dividedKashanPlace of rulersKaazimOne who refrains from angerKabFame, Honour, High Rank,GloryKabirgreat,powerful,leaderKadarPowerfulKadeemSlave to godKadenCompanionKadinFriend, companionKahilFriendKahillBest friendKahlilFriendKaifPleasure,High Spirits,SeaKafeelResponsibleKafiSufficientKafurTo DisappearKaiserCaesar, Emperor, KingKalbBrave, HeartKaleemSpeaker, TalkerKalidEternalKaliqCreativeKamalPerfectKamranSuccessfulKamshadHappy wishKareemhonorableKarifArrived in AutumnKarmanManKashifExplorer,UncoveredKashishAttractionKasimDividedKaziGood, JudgeKedarPowerfulKeyannKing,CrownKhaalishGenuineKhabirexpertKhairExcellentKhafidEasy, comfortable, smoothKhalafSuccessor, DescendantsKhaleedImmortalKhalidEternal,AbidingKhalifSuccessorKhalil

Good friend, Another name for prophet Muhammad

KhaleelBeautifulKhalisPureKhateebOrator, PreacherKhayrGood, Blessing, Boon, WealthKhidrGreenKhizarName of a ProphetKhubaybA fast walkerKhuramTigerKhurshidThe sunKhyalFantasy,VisionKiaProtector, King, DefenderKibrialDivine majestyKifahStruggle, FightKiflFortune, LuckKinzaHidden TreasureKishwarA country, regionKiyanKings, RoyalKarimiLiberality, Beneficence, GraceKarishmahBlinking of an eyeKarraar

Attacking violently again and again; Impetuous

KaseebFertileKaseemDividedKashfUncover, Expose, RevelationKashfiDisclosed, RevealedKashifOpener, Exhibitor, A connoisseurKasibFertileKasimDivided, ShiningKassimOne who is dividedKatheerName of a distinguished SahabiKaukabStar, ConstellationKausar

Abundant, Plentiful, Lake of paradise


Name of a fountain in Jannah, the Paradise


The popular Quran name means 'royal', 'kingly'.

KazeemAn eventempered manKazimOne who suppresses his angerKemal

Perfect, Honored infant, Generous

KhaadimServant; An attendantKhaalidPermanentKhaarijahOutstandingKhabbaabA preson who runs or walks fastKhabeerOne who knows of everythingKhabir

Khabir is an Arabic name for boys that means “expert”, “one who has much knowledge”.

KhadimAttendant, Servant, ForeverKhadirHidden, VeildedKhafizHe who diminishes or decreasesKhair

Good; Best; Well; Safe; Very well, Goodness; Welfare; Happiness; Health

Khair al DinThe good of the faithKhair UdeenThe good of the faithKhairuddinGoodness of religionKhairullahBeneficence of GodKhairyCharitable, beneficentKhaizThinker, DeliberatorKhalaf

A successor; An heir; A favorite son; Posterity: Descendants; Dutiful

KhaldoonOld arabic nameKhaldunEternalKhaledEternalKhaleedName of a SahabiKhaleelFriendKhaleeq

Of good disposition; Kind; Affable; Benign; Civil; Polite; Obliging; Courteous; Well disposed


Permanent, Eternal, Everlasting, Immortal

KhalidahPermanent, LonglivedKhalifSuccessorKhalil

Sincere friend, Beloved, Good friend

KhalilullahFriend of GodKhaliqIngeniousKhallaadAged, Elder, OlderKhamilSoft, TenderKhan

Ruler, Chief, Lord, Noble, Shares,Prince

KhaqaniImperial, RoyalKhasibRich, Affluent, FertileKhateeb

A preacher; A public speaker or orator

KhatibPeacher, OratorKhatifSwift, AgileKhawarEastKhawlyDeerKhawwaathTo be filled with foodKhayreeOne who is charitableKhayriOne who is charitableKhayyamTentmakerKhezLeap, Bound, RisingKhidaash

Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr

KhirashA person who earns for his familyKhizrGreenKhooshbakhtOf good fortuneKhouryA spiritual man ; a priestKhubaibA person who runs fastKhubanBeautifulKhubruLovely facedKhubsuratBeautifulKhubtarBetter, More beautifulKhulaidahPermanentKhulaifahSuccessor, HeirKhuluqNature, PolitenessKhumaratScent, FragranceKhumlTrue friend, Trusted friendKhunais

Hidden, Covered, Secret, Delayed


Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr

KhurramGay, Happy, CheerfulKhurshedSun, SunshineKhursheedThe sunKhurtumElephant’s trunk, NoseKhushaVery good, Very niceKhushbudarFragrantKhushruBeautiful, HappyKhusrauKing, Prince, MonarchKhuzaimahA ring of hair in the nose of camelKhuzaymahOld arabic nameKhwahishDesiredKhwajahLord, Chief, MasterKhweshOwn, Self, KinsmanKiahAlwaysKibrahGreatness, PrideKibriyaGrandeur, Magnificence, GloryKifayat

Enough; Abundance; Profit; Ability; Prudence; Plenty; Surplus; Economy; Thrift; Sufficiency

KiramNoble, Great, Eminent, GenerousKiramiMost noble, HonourableKirdarConduct, Behaviour, CharacterNameMeaningKishwarClimate, CountryKisrawiRoyalKisriRoyalKouryA spiritual man ; a priestKulthumName of a SahabiKuraibName of a distinguished SahabiKuramVery noble and generousKurdFlower-bedKurram

Extremely generous, Very beneficent

Muslim baby boy names starting with K - My baby Names (2024)


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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

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Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.