Cracking Crosswords: Abbreviations (2024)


Along with recognising what type of clue is in front of you (see the Crossword hints page), it is alsonecessary to be aware of the abbreviations (or acronyms) that are often used when constructing an answer. Here's an exampleof a clue that is solved by using these techniques:

 Independent blocks party's cuts (5)SN(I)PS = snips

Here, the abbreviation for Independent, I, goes inside ('blocks') the initialism of SNP's (Scottish National Party's) to give the answer snips.

Abbreviations are usually combined with other elements (e.g. anagrams) to construct an answer. Not knowing any of these will make it much harder to solve cryptic crosswords. To help with this, some of the most common abbreviations and acronyms are listed below:

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q
R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z | Other things to remember
A year = paAbout = c, ca, reAcceleration = aAccount = ac, ca
Accountant = caAce = aAcre = acAdult = a
Advanced = aAdvert = adAdvertising = prAfternoon = pm
Afterthought = psAgainst = v, vsAgent = repAide = pa
Airline = baAlien = etAlto = aAlumnus = ob
America = usAnd others = etalAnglican = ceAnswer = a
Arithmetic = rArmed forces = modArmed police = swatArrival time = eta
Artillery = raArtist = raAttorney = daAustralia = oz
Avenue = aveAverage mark = c
Bachelor = b, baBad mark = f, uBall = oBasem*nt = b
Bass = bBearing = e, n, s, wBeginner = lBend = s, u
Bible = av, nt, otBill = ac, adBishop = b, rrBlack = b
Book = b, bkBooks = nt, otBorn = bBoss = ceo, dg, md
Bob = sBobby = pcBowled = bBritish = b, br
Brother = brBusiness = co, incBy = xBye = b
Byte = b
Captain = cCar = gt, mg, rr, vwCare of = coCastle = r
Catholic = rcCaught = cCelsius = cCent = c
Centimetre = cmCentury = cCertificate = u, pg, r, xChancellor = ce
Chapter = chChief = chChromosome = x, yChurch = ce, ch, rc
Circle = oCircumference = cCity = ec, la, nyClubs = c
Cocaine = cCold = cColonel = colCommandos = rm
Commercial = adCompanion = chCompany = co, incCompare = cf
Computer = mac, pcComputers = itConservationists = ntConservative = c, con
Constable = pcConstant = piCopper = p, pcCopy = cc
Copyright = cCountries = eu, unCourt = ctCricket club = cc
Crime fighters = cia, fbiCross = xCurrent = ac, dc, i
Date = dDate of birth = dobDaughter = dDead = d, dec
Debt = iouDegree = ba, c, f, maDemocrat = dDepartment = dep
Depth = dDetective = diDetectives = cidDiameter = d
Diamonds = dDictionary = oedDied = d, dec, obDirection = e, n, s, w
Director-general = dgDisc = cd, ep, lpDisc jockey = djDisease = ms, tb, vd
Doctor = dr, gp, mb, mdDrip = ivDrive = drDrug = c, e, h
Dry = aa, ttDuck = oDuke = dDuplicate = cc
Each = eaEarl = eEarth = eEast = e
Ecstasy = eEditor = edEgg = oElectricity = ac, dc
Electronic = eEnergy = e, jEngineer = ce, meEngineers = re
English = e, engEscape = escEstablished = estEurope = ec, eu
European = eExcellent = aiExercise = pe, ptExcessive = ott
Explosives = he, tntExtra = b, lb, nb, w, xExtra time = et
Fahrenheit = fFather = frFeaturing = ftFellow = f
Female = fFeminine = fFine = fFirm = co, inc
Fleet = rnFlyers = rafFollowing = f, ffFoot = ft
Footballers = fa, fcFor example = egForce = f, nFormer = ex
Fort = ftFrench = frFrenchman = mFrequency = fm, lw, mw
Gallon = gGame = rl, ruGas = csGeneral = gen
German = gGigabyte = gbGlasses = ooGold = or
Golfers = pgaGood = g, gdGood man = stGood mark = a, b
Graduate = ba, maGram = gGrand = g, kGreek = gk, gr
Ground = gGroup = gpGun = ak, bb, ppk
Hairpin = uHand = l, rHard = hHeading = e, n, s, w
Headquarters = hqHearts = hHectare = haHeight = h, ht
Henry = hHeroin = hHigh definition = hdHoly man = st
Hoop = oHorse = gg, hHorsepower = hpHospital = h
Hospital unit = entHost = mcHot = hHour = h, hr
Husband = h
In charge (of) = icInch = inIndependent = iInn = ph
Intelligence = iqInterest = aprInternational = iInvestigator = pi
Irish = irIsland = i, isIt = saItalian = it
Jack = ab, j, osJet = migJolly = rmJournalist = ed
Judge = j, refJunction = tJunior = jr
Kelvin = kKick-off = koKilo = kKilobyte = kb
Kilogram = kgKilometre = kmKing = gr, hm, k, rKiss = x
Knave = jKnight = kbe, kt, nKnockout = koKnot = kn, kt
Lake = lLane = lnLarge = l, lgLate = dec, ex
Lawrence = dh, teLawyer = kc, qcLearner = lLecturer = l
Left = lLeg bye = lbLength = lLiberal = l
Lieutenant = ltLine = lLitre = lLocal = ph
Longwave = lwLoud = fLoudspeaker = paLove = o
Lunchtime = i
Magistrate = jpMaiden = mMain road = a, mMale = m
Manuscript = msMap = osMark = mMarines = rm
Married = mMasculine = mMass = mMaster = m, ma, msc
Medal = gc, om, vcMedic = dr, gpMedium = mMedium wave = mw
Megabyte = mbMemory = ramMen = orMethod = mo
Metre = mMetropolitan = metMile = mMilitary intelligence = mi
Military police = mpMillion = mMiners = numMinute = m
Model = tMonarch = er, k, q, rMonth = mMorning = am
Motorists = aa, racMotorway = m, mi
National Insurance = niNavy = rnNazis = ssNear = nr
Network = lanNew = nNew Testament = ntNewspaper = i, ft
Newton = nNo = n, oNo ball = nbNorth = n
Northern Ireland = niNot good = ngNote = nbNothing = o
Now = adNumber = n, noNurse = rn
Odds = spOfficer = co, col, ltOld = oOld person = oap
Old Testament = otOn = reOperation = opOrdinary = o
Ounce = ozOutside broadcast = obOutstanding = osOver the top = ott
Overdose = odOwn goal = og
Page = p, pgPages = ppPainter = raPapers = id
Parking = pParliament = hpPart = ptParty = con, lab, lib
Pass = idPencil = hbPenny = d, pPensioner = oap
Per = pPhone company = btPiano = pPint = pt
Place = plPlane = migPlate = l, pPoint = e, n, s, w
Pole = n, sPolice = cid, metPoliceman = di, pcPolicewoman = wpc
Politician = mpPort = ptPost office = poPostscript = ps
Posh = uPound = lbPower = pPressure = p
Priest = dd, pr, rrPrime Minister = pmPrisoner = conPrisoner of war = pow
Pub = ph
Quarter = e, n, q, s, wQueen = er, q, rQuestion = qQuiet = p, qt, sh
Race = gp, ttRadio host = djRadius = rRailway = br, ry
Rand = rReading = rRecipe = rRecord = cd, ep, lp
Referee = ref, umpRegarding = reRegina = rRepublican = r
Republicans = gop, iraReserves = taResistance = rRetired = ret
Reverend = rev, rrRex = rRight = r, rtRing = o
River = rRoad = ave, rd, stRolls Royce = rrRook = r
Room = rmRoughly = c, caRun = rRun out = ro
Sailor = ab, os, poSaint = stSalt = ab, osSauce = hp
Say = egScripture = reSecond = sSenior = sr
Separatists = eta, iraShilling = sShip = hms, ssShips = rn
Silence = shSilk = kc, qcSingular = sSister = sr
Small = sSoft = pSoldier = giSoldiers = or, ra, re
Son = sSoprano = sSound level = dbSouth = s
Space = enSpades = sSpecial forces = swatSpeed = kph, mph
Spies = cia, mi, sisStart = koStates = us, usaStone = st
Stormtroopers = ssStreet = stStudent = lStudents = nus
Stumped = stSucceeded = sSuit = c, d, h, sSun = s
Tar = ab, osTax = ni, vatTeachers = atl, nutTear gas = cs
Teetotal = aa, ttTelevision = tvTemperature = c, fTennis players = atp, lta
Tenor = tTense = tThat is = ie, scTheatre = nt
Thousand = g, kTime = tTimes = xTo be advised = tba
To be confirmed = tbcToilet = wcTon = tTonne = t
Trains = brTory = con
Union = tuUnionist = uUnited = uUniversity = u
Unknown = x, y, z
Variable = x, y, zVelocity = vVersus = v, vsVery = v
Very good = piVery large = osVery loud = ffVery quiet = pp
Vice president = vpVictory = vVolt = vVoltage = v
Volume = cc, volVolunteers = taVote = xVoting system = av, pr
Walkover = woWatt = wWay = ave, rd, stWeapon = vi
Week = wkWeight = w, wtWest = wWicket = w
Wide = wWidth = wWife = wWith = w
Without = woWriting = rWork = op
Yard = ydYear = y, yrYen = yYes = y
Zero = o

Other things to remember

Along with the abbreviations listed above, there are some words that setters use to denote lettersthat can be grouped into different categories. The most widely used are given below:

American states → The abbreviated forms of US states can be used when solving a clue; here's a selection:CA or CAL (California), FL (Florida), GA (Georgia), RI (Rhode Island), VA (Virginia), WA (Washington).

Chemical elements → Knowing the abbreviated symbols for chemical elements often proves useful; some commonly used ones include Ag (silver), Au (gold), C (carbon), Cu (copper), Fe (iron), H (hydrogen), O (oxygen), Sn (tin) and W (tungsten).

Country codes → If a country is given in a clue, it may be that a country's vehcile registration code is required for the answer, e.g. CH (Switzerland), D (Germany), F (France), GB (United Kingdom), I (Italy), J (Japan).

Days & months → Shortened forms of both days and months can be used in answers, for example: Mon, Thu, Jan, Jul etc.

Greek letters → Some Greek letters have English equivalents, such as a for alpha,b for beta and k for kappa.

Roman numerals → The fact that Roman numerals are expressed as letters means they are often usedin crosswords. They are I for 1, V for 5, X for 10, L for 50, C for 100, D for 500 and M for 1000. If a clue contained the number six or 54, for example,then it may require the letters VI or LIV respectively to be used in the answer.

Musical notes → A, B, C, D, E, F or G.

Phonetic alphabet → The NATO system assigns a word for each letter of the letter, i.e. Bravo for B. Other examples areEcho for E, Golf for G, Oscar for O, Tango for T and Uniform for U.

Cracking Crosswords: Abbreviations (2024)


Are abbreviations allowed in crossword? ›

Cryptic crosswords often use abbreviations to clue individual letters or short fragments of the overall solution.

What is the hardest day for crossword puzzles? ›

How hard could it be? The Saturday crossword is actually the hardest puzzle of the week. Mondays have the most straightforward clues and Saturday clues are the hardest, or involve the most wordplay. Contrary to popular belief, the Sunday puzzles are midweek difficulty, not the hardest.

What does GP mean in crossword answers? ›

Ground = gGroup = gpGun = ak, bb, ppk
Hairpin = uHand = l, rHard = h
Headquarters = hqHearts = hHectare = ha
199 more rows

What is the hardest day for the NYT crossword? ›

The crosswords are designed to increase in difficulty throughout the week, with the easiest on Monday and the most difficult on Saturday. The larger Sunday crossword, which appears in The New York Times Magazine, is an icon in American culture; it is typically intended to be a "Thursday-plus" in difficulty.

When should you not use abbreviations? ›

Abbreviations should only be used if the organization or term appears two or more times in the text. Spell out the full term at its first mention, indicate its abbreviation in parenthesis and use the abbreviation from then on, with the exception of acronyms that would be familiar to most readers, such as MCC and USAID.

Are crossword puzzles good for your brain? ›

These features mean that crossword puzzles cause large areas of your cortex to be active, and stimulate new connections in your brain. The hippocampus will then remember those new connections, strengthening both your hippocampus and cortex.

Is it good to do crossword puzzles before bed? ›

They make it easier to unwind

Although it is tempting to unwind by watching the television or by reading on a tablet, the body should avoid screen time before bed. Puzzles provide a much better opportunity to relax, making it easier to fall asleep and properly switch off.

Is there a strategy to crossword puzzles? ›

Fill in the blanks first

Every puzzle usually has a small handful of fill-in-the-blanks, so if you're looking to get an early confidence boost, scan the list of clues for fill-in-the-blanks and knock them out early.

What do GREY letters mean in crossword? ›

Letter Colors in the Crossword

The letter colors that appear in the Crossword indicate the following: Black - Letters entered in the default pen mode. Gray - Letters entered in pencil mode. Blue - Letters that have been confirmed with Check.

What does FR mean in crossword puzzles? ›

Most of the time, abbreviations have a period at the end of two to three letters. Some common crossword abbreviations include: Fr. – French.

What does fig mean in crossword? ›

abbreviation. figurative; figuratively; figure.

What is the world record for crossword puzzles? ›

Roger F Squires of Ironbridge in Telford, Shropshire, UK, has compiled and had published at least 77,854 crosswords as of 1 February 2015, equivalent to 2.34 million clues.

What is a rebus in crossword? ›

According to The New York Times crosswords editor, Will Shortz, “A 'rebus' in a crossword is anything that gets entered in a square that's not a single letter of the alphabet.” That can mean you have to jam more than one letter into a square or use digits.

What is the world's longest crossword puzzle? ›

Holding The Guinness World Records record for its size, this crossword hangs on a full 7' by 7' of wall space and has 28,000 clues for over 91,000 squares. It's a challenge that can take months, even up to a year, to complete.

What are the rules for making a crossword? ›

Basic Rules
  • Crosswords must have black square symmetry, which typically comes in the form of 180-degree rotational symmetry;
  • Crosswords must have all-over interlock;
  • Crosswords must not have unchecked squares (i.e., all letters must be found in both Across and Down answers);
  • All answers must be at least 3 letters long;
Jul 19, 2024

What are the rules for crossword puzzles? ›

Every letter is "checked" (i.e. is part of both an "across" word and a "down" word) and usually each answer must contain at least three letters. In such puzzles shaded squares are typically limited to about one-sixth of the total.

Are abbreviations not allowed in Scrabble? ›

All words labeled as a part of speech (including those listed of foreign origin, and as archaic, obsolete, colloquial, slang, etc.) are permitted with the exception of the following: words always capitalized, abbreviations, prefixes and suffixes standing alone, words requiring a hyphen or an apostrophe.

What are the rules of crossword board? ›


If any tile touches another tile in adjacent rows, it must form part of a complete word crossword fashion, with all such tiles. The same word can be played more than once in a game. Pluralised words are allowed. A word can be extended on both ends within the same move e.g. TRAINER to STRAINERS.


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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

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Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.